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TEL: 01243 785 496 or 07767 820 268

Sponsors Sites

Alba Game Fishing www.looptackle.com
Orvis www.orvis.co.uk
Orvis www.fullingmill.com

Related Sites

Alba Game Fishing www.albagamefishing.com

Luxury game fishing, gourmet catering and corporate hospitality in Scotland

UKBass www.ukbass.com
UKSWFF www.ukswff.co.uk
Aardvark Mcleod www.aardvarkmcleod.com

Aardvark McLeod arrange international fly fishing holidays worldwide, providing an exceptional level of service to the discerning fly fisherman

Chichester harbour Conservancy www.conservancy.co.uk
Up Stream Dry Fly www.upstreamdryfly.com

For bespoke chalk stream fly fishing in Southern England with fully qualified guides and instructors.

Midlands Fly Fishing www.midlands-flyfishing.co.uk
Fly-Fishuk www.fly-fishuk.com

Whether you are totally new to the sport of fly-fishing and don’t know your D loop from your Double Haul, or you are a seasoned performer and can cast with loops as tight as a tick's underpants, you have reached the right place!

Church Farm Bed & Breakfast www.church-farm.com
Church Gate Bed & Breakfast www.chichesterbandb.co.uk