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Avalon Fishing Club, Cayo Largo, Cuba 2008

Avalon Fishing Club, Cayo Largo, Cuba.


The elusive permit!....

see our Gallery and Journal pages

for more on fishing in Cuba.

From April 2nd to 13th 2009.

2 slots available at discount due to cancellations! Call for details now!

Howard will be leading a further trip to the beautiful island of Cayo Largo, off of Cuba in April 2009. We have all six skiffs reserved. The trip will include six full days fishing out of the now famous Avalon Fishing Club (previously Casa Batida). – "I endeavour to return to the island of Cayo Largo and her wonderful fishing club each year as the saltwater fly fishing here is superb. The club is now run by Avalon who have several other fly fishing operations in Cuba. The Owner Filippo has re-fitted the club with six brand new Dolphin skiffs. In 2008 Howard managed his first Super Grand Slam - permit, bonefish, tarpon and snook...all in the same day! "The fishing is nothing short of world class."

The island of Cayo Largo is a short flight south west of Havana. It is about 35 kilometres square and boasts some of the most beautiful white sandy beaches in the world. The Avalon Fishing Club (about 5 minutes from the hotel) has exclusive fishing rights over some 140 square miles of nature reserve. These shallow and wonderfully clear waters offer world class saltwater fly fishing and are also home to an abundance of marine wildlife. There are bonefish in profusion and a very good chance of a fish over the magical 10lbs. The reserve is also a superb permit fishery and with every outing an angler can expect several good shots at this elusive species. Howard has taken them here to over 25lbs! There is also wonderful tarpon fishing – on our last trip one angler jumped 9 tarpon in a single day – all on the fly.

April is prime time fishing in Cuba and one can expect a very good chance of a Grand Slam!

Includes 3 nights in 5* Hotel in Havana and 8 nights in all inclusive 4* hotel on island of Cayo Largo.  $5920.00   (less discount of 10% ...the deposit already paid by cancellations).

For further details please contact Howard at howard@upstreamdryfly.com

Howard Taylor