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TEL: 01243 785 496 or 07767 820 268
Guiding for Sea Bass UK

Guiding UK (West Sussex)

The guiding season starts in April and runs through until the end of November. We are licensed to take up to 3 clients at anyone time and all kit (7/8 weight fast taper rods, LA reels and lines) can be supplied. You will need chest waders and some flies for your session which lasts for one tide (6/7 hours). Start times depend on the lunar cycle and move by approximately 45 minutes/day.

Dates can be checked below and details can be discussed once a specific date has been chosen.   

Once a date has been selected, a booking sheet will be sent out which requires a signature and refundable deposit should the trip be cancelled due to inclement weather. All clients will be contacted the evening before after 19.30hrs to confirm start times, meeting place and weather.

Symons Bass
Justins Bass
Bass Fish
Bass Fish
Bass Beach Fishing