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Sport Fly Fishing

"We are a specialist sea fly-fishing guide service and portal located on the south coast of England. We cater for the novice and experienced fly fisherman alike and bespoke our guiding service to your level of experience.

Fly-fishing and soft bait lure fishing around the coast of England is becoming the most exciting method for catching many hard fighting species.

Using fly-fishing equipment and light lure rods allows the Sport-fisherman to travel quickly and efficiently between feeding areas - as you will discover, if you are not hooking then just keep moving until you get tight on your line.

Justin Anwyl: Salt Water Fly Fishing Guide, West Sussex

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Sport Fly Fishing Shop

Fish like a pro! "Many items of kit have been specifically developed, sourced and used by me 250 days a year, every year, tough, reliable and built for the salt"
Justin Anwyl IGFA Guide

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